Friday 29 May 2015

Up and running.

Hi all this is our new web site/blog for
Apple Blossoms Caterpillars, Montessori at Tynan's and Tynan's Tiny Tots.

Mimz, Jane and I.
We are passionate about children.  We are passionate about their health, wellbeing and nurturing every part of their mind body and soul.
We would love it if you would join us, add comments, send us pictures and articles.
This is a picture of Apple Blossoms Caterpillars.  Doesn't it look fun?

This is what the classroom at Tynans at Montessori looks like now. 
It is so pretty and so much is going to happen in it.

We will put on more pictures and articles as the weeks progress.
In the meantime why not pop onto our facebook pages,
Apple Blossom Caterpillars
Montessosri at Tynans
Tynans Tiny Tots